1. What is Blinq?

Blinq is a generative AI app that transforms your photos into unique, personalized artwork using various artistic styles.

2. How does Blinq work?

Simply choose a style from the Discover screen, upload your photo, and let our AI do the rest. Within about a minute, you'll receive a notification that your AI-enhanced image is ready to view and share.

3. What types of photos can I use?

Upload the photo you wish to transform. This can be selfie or portrait photo. The face should be visible in the photo. No images with more than multiple faces in it. Try choosing a well-lit, high-quality, front-facing photo.

4. Is Blinq free to use?

You can download and use Blinq for free, with access to a variety of styles. However, without pro subscription you can only generate a few images per day.

5. How long does it take to process an image?

Processing typically takes about a 35 seconds, but this can vary slightly.

6. Can I share my images on social media?

Yes, Blinq makes it easy to share your unique creations on social media platforms directly from the app.

7. Is my data and privacy secure with Blinq?

Yes, we take privacy and data security very seriously. Your photos and personal data are handled with the utmost care and confidentiality.

8. What should I do if I encounter a problem or bug?

Please contact our support team through the app or our website. We are committed to providing a smooth user experience and will address your concerns promptly.

9. Are there any restrictions on the photos I can upload?

We adhere to ethical guidelines and expect users to avoid uploading content that is offensive or violates intellectual property rights.

10. Can I use Blinq for commercial purposes?

Please review our terms of service regarding commercial use, or contact us for more information on licensing and usage rights.

11. How often are new styles added to Blinq?

We regularly update the app with new styles. Keep an eye on the Discover screen for the latest additions!

12. Is Blinq available on both iOS and Android?

Blinq is currently available for download on Apple App Store. Blinq will be available on Google Play Store really soon!